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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
||oCTimerUsed to get seconds or milliseconds passed for profiling purposes
||oCAverageA simple class used for averaging
||\CProfileUsed to profile different stages of training and prediction
|oCRandomTreeExportHelper class to export a random tree or random forest to disk in compressed (gzip) JSON format
|oCResultClass that stores the results of a hyperopt run
|oCHyperoptClientClient that does a hyperopt parameter search
|oCRGBColorA tuple of three 8-bit uints that represent a RGB color value
|oCDepthWrapper class that represent a depth value as it occurs in RGB-D images
|oCRGBDImageAn RGB-D image that contains four channels for the RGB color and the depth
|oCLabelImageA labelling that usually belongs to a RGBImage
|oCLabeledRGBDImageA tuple of a RGBD image and an according labeling
|oCRandomTreeImportHelper class to import a random tree or random forest from disk in compressed (gzip) JSON format
|oCConfusionMatrixHelper class to maintain a n×n confusion matrix
|oCRandomForestImageA random forest for RGB-D images
|oCSplitFunctionClass used to get the splitting score for a given feature and threshold
|oCTrainingConfigurationParameters used for training, most of which are provided by the user
|oCRandomTreeA sub-tree with histograms and pointers to the parent and children
|oCSamplerA uniform distribution sampler
|oCReservoirSamplerStores samples (images or pixel instances), if max size is reached, a sample replaces another chosen at random
|oCRandomSourceUsed to get a uniform sampler after incrementing the seed
|oCRandomTreeTrainClass that does the actual training of a tree
|oCXYA simple 2D tuple
|oCPixelInstanceRepresents a single-pixel sample in a RGB-D image
|oCImageFeatureFunctionParametrized visual image feature
|oCImageFeaturesAndThresholdsHelper class to store a list of features and a list of threshold per feature in a compact mannersuch that it can be transferred between CPU and GPU
|oCSamplesHelper class to store a list of pixel instances in a compact mannersuch that it can be transferred between CPU and GPU
|oCImageFeatureEvaluationHelper class for the four phases in the cost-intensive best-split evaluation during random forest training
|oCRandomTreeImageA random tree in a random forest, for RGB-D images
|oCTreeNodesHelper class to map random forest data to texture cache on GPU
|oCDeviceCacheAbstract base class that implements a simple LRU cache on GPU
|oCImageCacheA simple LRU cache of RGB-D images on GPU
|oCTreeCacheA simple LRU cache of trees on GPU
|oCTreeNodeDataHelper class for the unit test
|oCInformationGainScoreInformation Gain calculation using Shannon entropy of the parent and child nodes
|\CNormalizedInformationGainScoreInformation gain normalized by the sum of the classification and split entropies see formula (11) in [Wehenkel1991] and appendix A in [Geurts2006]
 oCdefault_allocatorAllocator allows allocation, deallocation and copying depending on memory_space_type
 oCcuda_allocatorAllocator that uses cudaMallocHost for allocations in host_memory_space
 oCpooled_cuda_allocatorAllocator that naively pools device and host memory
 oCcolumn_majorTag for column major matrices
 oCrow_majorTag for row major matrices
 oClinear_memory_tagTag for linear memory
 oCpitched_memory_tagTag for pitched memory
 oCmemorySimply keeps a pointer and deallocates it when destroyed
 oClinear_memoryContiguous memory
 oCpitched_memory2D non-contiguous ("pitched") memory
 oCFalseTypeDefines "False"
 oCTrueTypeDefines "True"
 oCIsSameChecks whether two types are equal
 oCIsSame< T, T >
 oCIsDifferentChecks whether two types are different
 oCIsDifferent< T, T >
 oCunconstRemove "const" from a type
 oCunconst< const T >
 oCIfSwitch result depending on Condition
 oCIf< false, Then, Else >
 oCEnableIfCEnable-if controlled creation of SFINAE conditions
 oCEnableIfC< false, T >
 oCndarray_infoInfos about shape and stride on host and in the ndarray data space
 oCndarrayN-dimensional array on GPU or CPU
 oCndarray_viewPrimarily used as result of ndarray::operator[]
 oCswitch_value_typeCreate a ndarray type with the same template parameters, but with switched value type
 oCswitch_memory_layout_typeCreate a ndarray type with the same template parameters, but with switched memory_layout_type
 oCswitch_memory_space_typeCreate a ndarray type with the same template parameters, but with switched memory_space_type
 oCreferenceThis objects acts like a reference to the object stored at the wrapped pointer
 oChost_memory_spaceTag for host memory
 \Cdev_memory_spaceTag for device memory